Piscataquis Valley Fair

Family Horse Game Show

Sunday, August 24th at 9:00 AM SHARP in the Horse Pulling Ring
Hosted by North Country Riding Club Amanda Sherburne www.DexterRidingClub.com
Classes are as follows:

  1. Carrot Race Lead line
  2. Carrot Race 12 & under
  3. Carrot Race 13-17
  4. Carrot Race 18 & over
  5. Rescue Ralph Lead Line
  6. Rescue Ralph 12 & under
  7. Rescue Ralph 13-17
  8. Rescue Ralph 18 & over
  9. Sweetheart Race Lead Line
  10. Sweetheart Race 12 & under
  11. Sweetheart Race 13-17
  12. Sweetheart Race 18 & over
  13. Hour Glass Lead Line
  14. Hour Glass 12 & under
  15. Hour Glass 13-17
  16. Hour Glass 18 & over
  17. Musical Ribbons Lead Line
  18. Musical Ribbons 12 & under W/T
  19. Musical Ribbons 12 & under W/T/C
  20. Musical Ribbons 13-17
  21. Musical Ribbons 18 & over
  22. Quad Barrels Lead Line
  23. Quad Barrels 12 & under
  24. Quad Barrels 13-17
  25. Quad Barrels 18 & over
  26. Pole Bending Lead Line
  27. Pole Bending 12 & under
  28. Pole Bending 13-17
  29. Pole Bending 18 & over
  30. Cloverleaf Barrels Lead Line
  31. Cloverleaf Barrels 12 & under
  32. Cloverleaf Barrels 13-17
  33. Cloverleaf Barrels 18 & over
  34. Ride-Tied Lead Line
  35. Ride-Tied 12 & under
  36. Ride-Tied 13-17
  37. Ride-Tied 18 & Over
  38. Pony Express Lead Line
  39. Pony Express 12 & under
  40. Pony Express 13-17
  41. Pony express 18 & Over

DAY END AWARDS & Classes Pointed for End of Day
Lead Line Day End Award
12 & under day end award
13-17 day end award
18 & over day end award

*NCRC wishes to thank all the businesses that sponsored today’s classes!

The town of Dexter, PVFA, Sponsors, NCRC Officers, any of its members, and show personal will not be responsible for any accident, which may occur to any rider, driver, groom or attendant spectator, animal or equipment at the show, nor be responsible for loss or destruction of any property or equipment damages to or by animals on the show groups, participants ride at their own risk.

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